Scheduled courses

This course is available in-house or as a public course by special arrangement

CV Writing and Interview Techniques

Non Credit Bearing
Course Category: 
Personal Development

Duration: 1 Day
Time: 8:30am-4:00pm

Changing jobs rates as one of life’s most stressful experiences. However, few of us are still doing the same job we went into after school or college, so it’s an event most of us must cope with at one time or another. How can you make the most of each job move despite economic ups and downs, ensuring you get the job you want, rather than one that will just about do?

Few people are born knowing how to write a CV, or how to make an impression at an interview. This course is for everyone going through a job change, or even just thinking about it. It will be useful to anyone considering a change to something better, looking for a first job, or forced to change jobs because of redundancy or dismissal. It guides you through how to make a great impression and enhance your chance of success when applying for your dream job!


This course is designed for anyone applying for jobs. It will be of particular interest to those in the early stages of their career, or those who are out of practice and need to update their skills. No prior knowledge or expertise is needed.


  • By the end of the course, you will be able to:
  • Prepare a professional CV that will differentiate you from others
  • Improve your chances of success in being selected for an interview
  • Apply best practice techniques to enable you to tackle interviews
  • Identify what recruiters are looking for by researching an organisation thoroughly, and identifying what skills and attributes recruiters might be looking for.
  • Identify what questions you may be asked at interview, and how to approach answering different types of interview questions
  • Develop a better understanding of your strengths, skills and key selling points to tackle interviews with confidence


  • Preparing a professional CV
  • Preparing and submitting a job application
  • How to succeed at interviews


Module 1

Preparing a professional CV

Module 2

Preparing and submitting a job application

Module 3

How to succeed at interviews

  • Planning your CV – what should be included?
  • Designing your CV – guidelines for the style and format
  • Preparing a covering motivational letter – important points to consider
  • Preparation of relevant documentation.
  • Composing the e-mail and subject line
  • Which attachments to send
  • General guiding principles
  • Preparation for the interview
  • How to answer common general questions.
  • Question applicants should ask
