Q: How do I navigate your web site

Thank you for visiting our site. We have tried to create an informative and functional business t... Read full answer

Q: Is KZN Business Training Centre an accredited training provider?

Yes – KZN Business Training Centre is accredited by the Services SETA, under SETQAA, accredi­t... Read full answer

Q: What is your BEE status?

KZN Business Training Centre is a level 4 BEE contributor. Our BEE Certificate can be downloaded ... Read full answer

Q: What is the minimum number of delegates you will train in an "In House" or "Exclusive" session?

We will train any number of delegates that you require but we do have a minimum charge for "In Ho... Read full answer

Q: Do you offer "exclusive courses" at your facilities or "in house" courses at our premises?

Yes - we offer all our courses as "in‑house" or "exclusive" courses on your premises anywhere i... Read full answer

Q: Is the training you provide Unit Standard aligned or accredited?

Although some of our courses are accredited and/or aligned, our focus has always been on deliveri... Read full answer
