Scheduled courses

This course is available in-house or as a public course by special arrangement

Emotional Intelligence

Non Credit Bearing
Course Category: 
Personal Development

Duration: 1 Day
Time: 8:30am-4:00pm


This course aims to introduce Emotional Intelligence (E.I.) as a core set of skills that will benefit and promote all aspects of your day-to-day interactions, involvement and outlook.  E.I. has a strong foundation in self-awareness allowing one to identify and develop internal traits and abilities to better one’s interactions with others and build confidence and competence towards advancement of self both professionally and personally. A developed E.I allows one to maximize one’s time and capacity in the work environment, identify the power of emotions, their limitations and their benefits towards achieving a mindset that is aware and thus focused, directed and thus solution orientated and positive and thus embracing of growth.


  • Understanding what emotions are and how they can be adapted towards progressive thinking and doing.
  • Recognising which emotions are appropriate in the work environment and which emotions block insight, understanding and forward development
  • Learning how to respond to challenges as opposed to simply reacting
  • Gaining an understanding of one’s own abilities and strengths so as to persist through shortcoming’s in one’s professional and personal capacity
  • Taking responsibility for one’s own conduct
  • Responding to change and identifying the benefits of things that are seen as “new and different”


  • Gain insight into one’s emotional self and how these emotions are often unconsciously used to either benefit or hinder one’s growth professionally and personally
  • Identifying and harnessing one’s strengths to build up self-efficacy, rapport, understanding, resilience and assertiveness.
  • Develop one’s abilities for reflective thought which will lead to a healthier and more defined work ethic and encourage positive interactions with others.
  • Gain confidence in the face of adversity, stress and change by recognizing and thus utilizing one’s internal set of coping skills.
  • Develop a more positive mindset and healthier outlook
