Scheduled courses

This course is available in-house or as a public course by special arrangement

Goal Setting - Fired up and Focused

Non Credit Bearing
Course Category: 
Personal Development

Duration: 1 Day
Time: 8:30am-4:00pm

This practical course culminates in a plan of action that aligns your motivators and passions with your business. You will emerge with a clear plan of where you are going, how you will get there, and how to keep yourself excited, passionate and motivated throughout the journey.


  • Business owners setting goals for the year ahead
  • Sales people wanting to be motivated and passionate about their targets
  • People needing to take Big Goals and break them into manageable targets and milestones
  • Anyone with a “Growth Mindset” who wants to be in control of their destiny


  • You will be energised and excited about the path you set ahead
  • Goals will be clearly defined
  • Milestones and short-term goals will be aligned to longer term goals
  • A “Growth mindset” will be cultivated
  • Your motivating factors will be uncovered
  • You will be able to diarise your outcomes from the course and begin an organised and focused journey to success


  • Goal setting – the importance and approach
  • Breaking Big Goals into mini goals and milestones
  • Measuring your own performance and resetting sights on the target
  • Motivation – the importance and some key theories
  • Your personal motivating factors – how you need to lean on these to achieve success
  • How to be resilient and stay with your goals even when you hit a few “road bumps”
  • Bringing together goals and motivation – a powerful combination for victory
  • Drafting your personal plan – Your big goals, your mini goals, how you will celebrate success
  • The consequences of celebrating every success


